Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sketchbook Starbucks

Hans' ol stompin grounds is the nearby Starbucks. There, you will find him grabbin a steamin cup o' joe with Quilt his trusty side kick in crime. It is during these afternoon trips to his spot where he observes the day to day norms of human nature. It is also where he finds inspiration in the quirkiness we find in ourselves when we go grocery shopping. Don't be surprised if you see Hans' with pen and sketchbook in hand at your local cafe drawing and satiring what would seem like another day out and about!

P.S. Sorry for bad scan...time for new one.

Monday, May 16, 2011

This is it!!! pt. II

...El Diablo and the King of Pop? Hans, is this it? Just not a title for a M.J. movie eh Hans?